Our Partners

Our Partners

defend your head logo

Defend Your Head

Defend Your Head’s patented soft-shell technology provides a polyurethane product with unique chemical properties, design to form-fit the outer shell of most helmets. The product is designed to absorb and consequently slow the transfer of energy triggered by forceful blows to the hard-shell helmet. To learn more, please visit www.defendyourhead.com.

vFormity Sports, an athletic equipment tracking solution, is designed to tag, scan, and track Defend Your Head’s patented technology, as well as any team’s remaining equipment.

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Mayfield Athletics

Mayfield Athletics is a front-runner in designing and producing various sports equipment for safer sports, including the patented S.A.F.E.Clip—an aftermarket football helmet clip that reduces the impact from a blow to the facemask. S.A.F.E.Clip can absorb up to 28% of the impact forces associated with a blow to the facemask. Other Mayfield Athletics products include Zuti Facemask and Best in Game Apparel. To lean more, please visit mayfieldathletics.com.

The Mayfield Athletics Headquarters utilizes vFormity Sports asset tracking software to tag, scan, and track its patented technology to schools across the country.

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Bag Tags, Inc.

Bag Tags, Inc. is a design and print company located in Evanston, Illinois that produces event credentials, lanyards, luggage tags, and more to amplify your event security, organization, and branding. To learn more, visit www.bagtagsinc.com.

Bag Tags, Inc. and vFormity work together to provide seamless event tracking needs to organizations of all sizes. Bag Tags, Inc. provides the credentials/tags and lanyards, while vFormity Events provides unique, mobile tracking technology both event vendors and attendees find useful.

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Platinum Royalties

Platinum Royalties is vFormity’s premier fundraising partner. Platinum Royalties is the #1 fundraising tool in the nation that combines a state-of-the-art, geo-friendly App with a Platinum Royalty Card that goes wherever you go nationwide.

It not only provides thousands of dollars in savings to the purchaser of each card, but also raises thousands of dollars for Gleaners while you enjoy the promotions both locally and nationally. For more information, visit https://platinumroyalties.com/